Al-Zailai Co. for Miscellaneous Agricultural Industries Ltd

Al-Zailai Co. for Miscellaneous Agricultural Industries Ltd

Al-Zailai Co. for Miscellaneous Agricultural Industries Ltd (ZِAILCO) is the first vertically integrated company in Yemen and provides comprehensive monitoring of the entire poultry production chain.

Vertical integration enables us to provide products with a high certified quality standards for our products and carrying out a comprehensive quality control.

Our special poultry meat production plants include modern hatcheries, closed rearing farms, processing facilities, and testing laboratories.

This helps us monitor every stage of production, which significantly reduces the risk of infection and disease.


Advantages of vertical integration usage:

The integrated model enables us to significantly reduce our dependence on suppliers and the impact of price fluctuations for raw materials. In addition to cost-effectiveness, vertical integration enables us to apply strict policies for biosafety, quality control of raw materials, as well as product's final quality and its safety- it the arrival of points of sale. Our products are currently distributed through our own points of sale and authorized dealer points, as well as through other stores and supermarkets.


Supply of grains:

 We use the high-quality corn and soybean meal provided by Al-Zailai Corporation for Poultry from the world's best natural farm crops and are subjected to special analysis and testing processes to produce protein-saturated feed, vitamins and minerals for the proper growth of all kinds of poultry.

Poultry Feed production

 We use our own agricultural crop to produce feed for our poultry, providing the necessary proteins, vitamins and minerals in the diet system.

Poultry feed product has been produced two main factories, one located in Hodiedah and the other is located in Aden. Abdu Ali Al-Zailai & Co. Group, the first one is in the port of Hodeidah and the other one is in Aden through a rigorous production process that meets international quality standards.


Poultry breed farms and hatcheries:

The eggs produced by the poultry breeders farms is shifted to chick's hatcheries. Those eggs considered to be one of the best selective breeds produced by the Yemeni Breeders Company; an affiliated to Abduh Ali Al-Zailai & Co. Group.

After egg's segregation, they are put in automatic hatcheries which maintains all the necessary conditions for the entire hatching period (21 days), and the process of incubation is processed by scientific and health means where the best quality standards is applied in this phase in order to get the best kinds of broilers. Vaccination process then followed and broilers hens shifted to our poultry rearing farms.

Poultry breeding on typical farms:

Typical Poultry farms are the first stage of our vertically integrated system. Our best veterinarians and agriculturalists select one-day-old chicks to be transported to the company's chicken farms and subject them to all veterinary examinations in preparation for issuing a health certificate for each herd separately.

Before the arrival of the chicken, all poultry farms are cleaned and well processed, the sites are sterilized and ventilated, and the floor layer is changed and left for health protection.

The conditions in broiler chickens are as close to natural conditions as possible, chickens are not kept in cages and can move freely in large poultry farms whose land is covered with a natural layer of sunflower.


Production standards:

Production and planning facilities have been certified in ZILCO according to the international BRC global standard and on seven departments:

 1- Senior Management Commitment and Continual Improvement:
The starting point for an effective food safety plan is the commitment of senior management to the implementation of the BRC Global Standard and continual development. This includes providing adequate resources, effective communication, system reviews, actions taken and opportunities for improvement.

The BRC Global Standard requires the development of an effective hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) program based on the requirements of the internationally recognized Codex Alimentarius system. 

This section sets out the requirements for the management of food safety and quality. This includes requirements for product specifications, supplier approval, traceability, and the management of incidents and product recalls.

This section sets out expectations for the production environment including the layout and maintenance of the buildings and equipment, cleaning, pest control, waste management and foreign body controls.

The requirements for product design and development stage including allergen management, product and ingredient provenance, product packaging and product inspection and testing.

The establishment and maintenance of safe process controls, weight/volume control and equipment calibration, and ensures the documented HACCP plan is put into practice.

This section sets out the standards needed for staff training, protective clothing and personal hygiene.

Process of poultry meat production and processing:

First: Poultry is slaughtered during its first productive stage according to legal slaughtering requirements derived literally from our Islamic law.

The slaughter of poultry is carried out manually under the supervision and permanent supervision of the research center and the issuance of slaughter certificates in accordance with Islamic law.

Poultry is slaughtered quickly and painlessly as the bird's blood gets immediately drained, making poultry slaughter relatively painless and preventing the accumulation of harmful substances in the meat.

Poultry Meat processing:

The company produces various poultry meat products, starting from frozen and chilled chicken to various associated products such as boneless chicken for shawarma, chicken pieces, liver, giblets and other products that the marketing and sales department adapts to suit consumers' needs and its conformity with all their consumption patterns.

Poultry meat processing is an integral part of our integrated business system. The company produces a wide range of fresh poultry meat products. Chicken meat produced in our own facilities is one of the main ingredients in processed poultry meat products as chicken meat constitutes more than 90% of its composition, the remaining ingredients are a complementary items of the main product and the company's main brand.

All raw materials are subject to sensory, chemical, physical and microbiological examination, and each batch of raw materials has the barcode that enables us to monitor them.



Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points, (HACCP) system has been applied at ZILCO which is specialized in factory for the production of semi-processed food products in the factory according to this system. The storage of raw materials is considered to be the first control point.

Accurate temperature monitoring is carried out every 15 seconds, and in case of deviations, procedures have undertaken to effectively solve problems according to the HACCP algorithm. Strict control is also carried out for storage conditions of all production inputs, including continuous sterilization of packaging materials.

Preparation, packaging and storage:

All raw materials are tested using metal detectors in order to reduce risks of metal falling into the finished product. The final raw materials are sent to the storage room, where it is considered the second critical control phase point.

The application of modern freezing techniques signifies that the ZAILCO avoids the use of preservatives and exceptional scrumptious taste is maintained throughout its storage period.

Final products are moved to Tempo FROST Storage Room to get it shocked at -30°C, and the basic temperature of the products during packaging should not exceed -18°C.

This is the fourth observation point, here the products are packaged into boxes on horizontal Powerpack equipment and then in plastic bags on vertical Smart Packer machine or as per weight. Weight is monitored by Checkweigher equipment and all products are tested by a metal detector. The three warehouses represent the fifth observation point where the temperature also does not exceed -18 °C.



Our logistic services which is thoroughly adopted aims at providing fresh products to the domestic market with high quality standards. Preparations are underway to export its products overseas.

Product distribution centers along with fleet of refrigerator vehicles belongs to ZILCO offers immediate delivery of product. Those vehicles are well-chosen under specific temperatures and subject to strict hygienic observations and quality control, starting from production lines till the end user which clearly indicates that the end user will get a fresh product with high quality standards at a given time within our sales point.


Contact information

Taiz - Al-Hawban - Al-Zailai Building
04 218 139 - 04 285 660
04 285 642

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